Boys and Men

I must admit I wanted to be a tomboy as a kid. Thought my big brother and Dad hung the moon, as they say.  Recently J has wanted to wear her big brother C2’s socks that Grandmama bought him.  Today she was wearing his clothes and now his pjs!  Hmmmm.  I’ve heard her say, let’s pretend we’re brothers….  I’m all for pretending but I also want her to value and appreciate that God created her to be all girl!  So, I’ve been telling her I want her to be thankful and excited she’s a girl, not something she isn’t. Up until about 10 or so years ago I always thought men had it so easy!  🙂  If only…..   I’ve changed my tune!  I now wouldn’t want that roll.  Men carry a heavy load and responsibility in the calling God intends for them.  So I encourage you ladies out there to pray and encourage the men in your life.  One of the blogs I follow has a great link to a prayer calendar for your children and husband. If you don’t have a husband or children, I’m sure there are some connections in your life that could use the prayers!    Her free e-book   “Maximize Your Mornings” is great too.

3 thoughts on “Boys and Men”

  1. Oh Sweet Janet, when I was Jessica's age I started playing with trucks, got older, I played football with the boys (tackle), could hit a baseball faster and farther than any of them, climbed the tree in the back yard like a monkey and beat up on the neighbor boy and still my Mom dressed me in dresses, taught me to do laundry, to cook, how to sit like a girl and I still climbed the tree, beat up on the kid next door, and then I met Christopher's Dad….boy did the girl come out in me then… tell Cody John I will buy him new socks, tell Jessica to go easy on Cody and yes, pray for that man of yours,as I pray for mine, their road is hard, their life is full of worries that we as women can never begin to understand but through our prayers and unconditional love we can lift them up and fill them with love and tenderness, peace and strength but also remember that God created all of us as children to discover the world, learn all we can, so that we can grow and become a strong woman with children of our own and a man we support with God's help and love. One day Jessica's little girl will wear her brothers socks and she will smile with God and remember….

  2. Yep! Part of what I trying to convey is that I want Jessica, and all our kids to know they are created special and unique, God made them girls/boys, put them in the birth order He did, etc etc. I don't want any of them getting in the habit of wanting or wishing they were somebody else….you know grass is always greener on the other side of the fence mentality.

  3. Really enjoying your blog Janet. Love to hear about your days and the things you are making…Summer is a scarce time for us to get together isn't it? Glad to know how God is blessing you and get to "listen in" a little through your blog! Jenette.

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